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In order for us to determine if you are a good candidate for the eyebrow cosmetic tattoo procedure, we will need some information. 


*Must be at least 18 years old (No exceptions)
*Ever had permanent makeup (microblading included) on your eyebrows before

Shonna doesn’t work over eyebrows previously done by another technician unless it is 100% faded or removed first without any scar tissue left behind (will need to text a clear picture of your eyebrows to 443.826.9714 for approval, in-person consultation might be required since scar tissue is undetectable on the pictures).

*Pregnant, nursing, harvesting eggs or trying to get pregnant. (No Exceptions)

Must wait 3-6 months after delivery &/or 3-6 months after nursing to schedule


*Prone to keloids (No exceptions)

*Any scars or experienced any head trauma in the brow area
(Will need to text a clear picture of your eyebrows to 443.826.9714 for approval)

*Heart Conditions/Pace Maker/Defibrillator (No exceptions)


If you are any of these medications, you will bleed and the pigment WILL NOT retain:
Triflusal (Disgren)
Clopidogrel (Plavix)
Prasugrel (Effient)
Ticagrelor (Brilinta)
Ticlopidine (Ticlid)
Cilostazol (Pletal)
Vorapaxar (Zontivity)
Dipyridamole (Persantine
Pradaxia (dibigatran)
Xarelto (rivaraxaban)
Eliquis (apixaban)
Savaysa (edoxaban)

*Surgical Forehead/Browlift (scar on the brow area)
(Scar tissue will prevent proper healing)

*Alopecia Areata (Hair loss due to autoimmune disease)

(Will require a note from your doctor giving consent for the procedure)


*Trichotillomania (Compulsive pulling of body hair)
(Due to constant pulling, scar tissue is prominent and pigment will not heal properly)

*Shingles-Have you EVER had shingles on your face (No exceptions)

PMU will not be performed as the procedure could cause a flare up

* Eczema, Psoriasis or Dermatitis in or around the brow area (No exceptions)
(Constant flaking/itching/irritation/shedding of skin)

*Retin-A/Retinol use or Vitamin A Oral Supplements
(Must stop use 30 days before the procedure)

*Large pores on your forehead & in the brow area
(Pigment might heal more patchy)

*Hemophilia-Bleeding Disorder (No exceptions)

*Menopause (Considered)
If you have hot flashes during the procedure, the pigment will not retain and Shonna may have to stop.  
(You will be required to sign an addendum prior to procedure)

*Platelet Disorders-Aggregation Disorders
An aggregation disorder is when platelets do not bind with fibrinogen and other proteins in order to stick to other platelets. As a result, the platelets cannot form a plug to stop the bleeding from a damaged blood vessel.

*Moles/raised areas in or around the brow area
(Pigment will not be put into anything raised. Same goes for pimples) 

*Piercing in the brow area
(Scars can cause the pigment to migrate)

*Deep wrinkles in the brow area
(Pigment will not lay properly in the creases, giving  the brow an uneven look)

*Hair transplant for your eyebrows
(Pigment will not take in the scar tissue where the plugs were placed)

*Thyroid conditions 
(Hypo, Hyper Thyroidism – pigment might not retain or may fade faster. No additional touch-ups will be performed earlier than 12 months from last procedure to avoid skin trauma if it happens;

Graves Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroidism- will require a note from your doctor giving consent for the procedure).

*Rosacea (diagnosed severe reddening of the face)

Due to hypersensitivity, the skin does not take the pigment well 

*Fitzpatrick Skin types I & II (redheads/natural blondes/light skin/light eyes) 
Due to hypersensitivity, the skin does not take the pigment well 

*On Accutane (acne medicine) within the last 12 months (No exceptions)

*Auto Immune Disorder of any kind (Multiple sclerosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Type 1 Diabetes or the like)
(Will require a note from your doctor giving consent for the procedure)


*Cancer of any kind or if you had chemotherapy/radiation within the last 6 months

(Will require a note from your doctor giving consent for the procedure)

*MRSA (can be very contagious) 

*Extremely Thin skin (Transparent or Translucent or very vascular)

Due to hypersensitivity, the skin does not take the pigment well 

*Frequent Exercise (5-7 days per week) 

Due to the frequent production of sweat (salt), the pigment WILL NOT retain, fade very quickly or change in color. THIS WILL HAPPEN! No additional touch-ups will be performed earlier than 12 months after the last procedure to avoid skin trauma if it happens.

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